Neil M. Maher



A Green and Environmentally Just New Deal

in LA+ Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture, no. 15: 85-93.

Spring 2022

Why We Need a New Civilian Conservation Corps — And How to Do It

Data For Progress Report, pp. 1-6.

The Justice Collaborative, 2020

Bringing the Environment Back In: A Transnational History of Landsat

In How Knowledge Moves: Writing the Transnational History of Science and Technology, pp. 201-224

University of Chicago Press, 2019

Whole Earth Without Borders: Earth Photographs, Space Data, and the Importance of Visual Culture Within Environmental History

In A Field on Fire: Essays on the Future of Environmental History, pp. 189-208

University of Alabama Press, 2019

Grounding the Space Race

In Modern American History 1: 141-146


Work For Others But None For Us: The Economic and Environmental Inequalities of New Deal Relief

In Social History 40: 312-334


Body Counts: Tracking the Human Body Through Environmental History 

In A Companion to American Environmental History, pp. 163-180

Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

Shooting the Moon: How NASA Earth Photographs Changed the World 

In Environmental History 9: 526-531


A New Deal Body Politic: Landscape, Labor, and the Civilian Conservation Corps

In Environmental History 7: 435-461


‘Crazy Quilt Farming on Round Land’: The Great Depression, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Politics of Landscape Change on the Great Plains During the New Deal Eras

In Western Historical Quarterly 31: 319-339


‘A Very Pleasant Place to Build a Towne On?’: An Environmental History of Land Preservation in New York’s Hudson Highlands

In The Hudson Valley Regional Review 16: 21-40


A History Lesson from the CCC for the Green New Deal

Vanderbilt University

May 3, 2024 (1:15-2:45 pm EST)

Neil M. Maher

Federated Department of History
NJIT—Rutgers University, Newark