Neil M. Maher



Not Everyone Wanted a Man on the Moon

New York Times, Op-Ed

July 16, 2019

How Many Times Does a River Have to Burn Before It Matters?

New York Times

June 22, 2019

Biden Needs to Go Big to Rebuild America

Yes! Magazine, Op-Ed

December 7, 2020

The Keys to Ensuring That a Green New Deal Succeeds

Washington Post

August 7, 2019

From Moon Maids to Astronauts: How Feminists Transformed the Space Race

PBS American Experience

Summer 2019

Drawing the Political Lines of Apollo

PBS American Experience

Summer 2019

Raised Fists and Lunar Rockets: Black Activists Demanded the Resources for Space Be Brought Back to Earth

PBS American Experience

Summer 2019

A History Lesson from the CCC for the Green New Deal

Vanderbilt University

May 3, 2024 (1:15-2:45 pm EST)

Neil M. Maher

Federated Department of History
NJIT—Rutgers University, Newark